1 (CE Four Terms and Conditions ) Introduction: The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) welcomes you, and informs you that you will find below the terms and conditions governing your use of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) and all the legal effects that result from your use of the services of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) on the Internet, as the use of anyone was for the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com Whether he is a consumer, merchant or otherwise, this is an approval and acceptance from him and he is fully qualified considered Shariah, system and law for all the articles, terms and provisions of this agreement, which is a confirmation of your commitment to its regulations and what was mentioned in it, and we point out to you that the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) may be (a website, a mobile application or an electronic platform) and this agreement is valid and effective as soon as you approve it and start registering on the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) Under Articles V and X of the Saudi Electronic Transactions Law. Article 1 – 1 – Introduction and definitions: The above preamble is an integral part of this agreement, and you will find below the connotations and definitions of the main terms used in this agreement: Sever E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com ): This term means the Sever store and application, and this definition includes all types of legal forms of the Cyfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) as a registered establishment as well as on the Internet, whether it is an electronic application, or a website on the Internet. (Merchant) This phrase means every merchant who registers on the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) to establish his online store, whether a natural or legal person, and this definition includes all aspects of the merchant's operations and dealings with the platform and with his supposed customers inside or outside the platform, as long as he trades through the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com), including the merchant's website. (Store) means the products of merchants displayed within the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) at the request of merchants. (Consumer) means any consumer or merchant who purchases a product or service from the products and services of the selling merchants directly or indirectly, through the Sever e-marketing platform. ( Agreement ) This term means the rules, terms and conditions for using the Sever emarketing platform ( cefour.com ), i.e. all the terms and conditions of this agreement, which govern and regulate the relationship between the parties to this agreement. (Service Provider) means the merchant or seller who offers and sells his products through the E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) (Platform Services) is divided into two parts: First: Merchant and Seller Services, which means the services and enablement provided by the Sfor e-marketing platform to merchants and sellers through it directly or through third parties, and these services include: 2 Enabling the merchant to display his products and manage the various operations between him and his customers, including selling, shipping, collecting and returning sales directly or by enabling a third party, and the Sevor platform may be this third party. 1- Enabling the merchant to communicate directly freely between him and his customers through different channels according to his desire, including "direct chat WhatsApp" "contact" "e-mail" without any responsibility for the E-Marketing platform 2- Enabling the merchant to choose direct payment by his customers against sales invoices for the offers of products and services that he requested to be displayed on the Sivor platform, as there is no authority or direct relationship to the Sivor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) with the agreements concluded between the merchant and the service provider for payments outside the platform. 3- Enabling the merchant to serve (partial payment), which is a service provided by the platform to the merchant, which is that the merchant chooses or activates the partial payment of the bills for the sale of his customers' purchases at the rate he chooses or specifies under the name that suits him, and the merchant bears full responsibility towards the Sfor e-marketing platform, towards his customers and towards the relevant authorities in the event of a breach Second: Customer Services Buyers, which means the services provided by the Sfor emarketing platform to the customers of the merchants and sellers of the Sfor e-marketing platform, and these services include: 4- Enabling customers to communicate freely directly with all sellers according to the type of communication channels available by the platform or merchants 5- Enabling merchants and customers to submit direct support tickets to manage the Sfor e-marketing platform to request advice, assistance or provide a service that the platform can provide within the nature of the work of the Sivor platform and within the limits of its powers 6- The Sivor platform in a specific scope follows up and assists the contracting parties in the event that they differ from the transactions in which payment was made through the electronic payment gateway, including: A- The possibility of the customer objecting by uploading a support ticket to the Sfor platform within a period of 10 days from the date of electronic payment B- The platform does not guarantee the return of any partially paid amounts of money in values (lump sum & percentage) under the name of down payment or shipping costs in the following cases: 1- The customer's failure to receive the shipped goods in their proper condition without a logical reason that defames the goods, such as (outright fraud, clear fraud, clear deception - or total or partial damage) 2- Failure of the customer or his representative to respond to the shipping representative after the arrival of the goods to the delivery address within the official working hours. 3 3- The buyer customer delays receiving his goods and paying the rest of their value without a good reason provided and accepted by the platform or the merchant selling the goods within 15 days from the date of partial payment. The buyer loses the possibility of returning the partially paid amount (as a down payment) because it is lost on the merchant for missing a benefit or bringing harm to the merchant because the nature of the offers products inside the platform is urgent and of a special nature (Transparency of dealing): 7- Enabling buyer customers to communicate freely and directly with the merchant sellers without interference or bias and without the slightest responsibility towards both parties. 8- Direct live link through various media between the merchant and the service provider, as the authority and relationship of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) with private or direct agreements inside or outside the platform between the merchant and the service provider. 9- Comment and see customers users and visitors to the platform All comments of customers and dealers with merchants at the level of each product and service without interference from the E-Marketing platform except for what is intended for defamation, insult and slander. 10- Enable all customers through each product page to report abuse. Therefore, the platform according to its work protocol and according to the type, nature and number of notifications. The platform warns the seller several times or stops enabling the seller to display his products and communicate with customers. Article II – 2 – (Legal capacity of the trader): The merchant acknowledges that he has legal capacity considered legally and legally, and that he is not less than eighteen years old, as is considered in the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and that he is sufficiently knowledgeable to establish, establish and manage his online store through the Sever e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ). As an exception to what is stated in the first item (1) of Article II (2), the merchant may practice trade if he is under the age of majority considered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (eighteen years), as he is obligated to provide proof of his guardian's approval to establish the online store, such as the guardianship deed, and the statement of approval signed by his legal guardian in case necessary. The merchant acknowledges that he is properly qualified and that he does not have any symptoms of eligibility. In the event that the merchant registers as an institution or company, or any other statutory form, this institution, company or legal form registered through him must have the legal, 4 statutory and legitimate capacity necessary to carry out trade business through the EMarketing Platform ( cefour.com ). The merchant agrees that in the event that he violates this article "the legal capacity of the merchant", he bears the consequences of this violation in front of consumers, users or third parties, as the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) has nothing to do with the merchant's dealings with the consumer or third parties from a legal, regulatory and legitimate point of view, and the Sevor e-marketing platform has the right (cefour.com ) In this case, the merchant is held accountable under the provisions of contractual liability, and his claim for compensation for the damages that may arise as a result of this violation, such as these damages that affect the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) in its reputation in front of other merchants, consumers, users or in front of others. Article III – The nature of the commitment of the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ): - The mission of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is mediation by enabling merchants selling to display, sell, ship, collect their dues and communicate with their supposed customers through the Sivor platform according to the available electronic support tools provided or may be provided by the platform at different times such as (marketing support - guidance and guidance - electronic payment gateways - logistics - management and collection ...) All services of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) are subject to the articles, terms and provisions of this usage agreement. - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) is not obligated to complete the sale of products or services between the consumer and the selling merchants, for the operations that were made by linking the product to an external store or in the case of payment outside the platform, cash on delivery or bank transfer to selling merchants.As its commitment ends with providing services and support through the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), and this does not harm other services that the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) continues to provide, such as guidance, guidance, technical support, marketing and payment methods within the platform. - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) may temporarily provide some free services to some stores, such as the merchant: Display his products - Advertise them within the platform - Modify and change some tags on the product display page. - The E-Marketing Savor platform provides a range of free services, and is subject to specific and specific restrictions, so the merchant wishes additional services, he must contact the technical support of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) to inquire about offers, offer fees and other additional services. - All transactions that take place between the merchant and the consumer are not related to the person of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is not responsible for it, as this transaction is an independent contractual relationship subject to the agreement concluded between the merchant and the consumer. Accordingly, if the consumer fails to pay the price of the service or product provided by the merchant, the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has nothing to do with these violations. 5 - All transactions that take place between the merchant and service providers (third-party services) who provide the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) to link with their services or offer their services for the benefit of the merchant and the consumer have nothing to do with the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), as this transaction is a contractual relationship independent of the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) and subject to the nature of the agreement concluded and the commitment of the parties towards this third party Accordingly, if one of the parties fails, refrains or does not comply with the implementation of its obligations that have been agreed upon or did not implement them as required, he shall bear responsibility towards the platform or towards the third party or the relevant authorities and the consequent violations or fines. - You know that the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is a technical electronic platform on the Internet that allows the merchant who agrees to this agreement to establish his online store by displaying his products, managing sales operations, communicating with customers, and so on , and therefore there is no slightest responsibility on the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) about the violations committed by the merchant towards all parties and bears Violating the provisions of this agreement, and the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has no relationship with the transactions that take place between the merchant and the consumer. Article IV – Controls for establishing the online store: Every person who has the legal capacity considered legal and legal may establish his store in accordance with the rules and provisions of the usage agreement, in particular "Article I – Legal Capacity of the Trader". - The store that was established in accordance with the agreement to use the Sfor emarketing platform (cefour.com ) must not violate the regulations and laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the merchant is obligated to clarify what business he conducts ecommerce through, and what services or products he provides or sells, and the Sepor emarketing platform ( cefour.com ) its responsibility for the store's violation of the provisions of the Saudi system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and public morals, and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) always has the right to refuse to register any online store or display some of its products that do not comply with the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the provisions of this agreement or the nature of the system and protocol of the Sfor platform Accordingly, the merchant acknowledges under the terms of the agreement that his store does not violate public order in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or Islamic morals. - No person has the right to use the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) if his membership or store is canceled by the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) or by judicial orders or rulings. - In the event that any user registers as an institution, company, charitable institution or legal entity, the institution, company or registered entity shall be bound by all the rules and provisions mentioned in the usage agreement of the E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) and upload all correct registration and documentation documents. 6 - All stores and merchants must comply with all applicable laws to regulate online commerce, as well as the Information Crimes Law, the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, the Electronic Transactions Law and the E-Commerce System. - The merchant acknowledges that before registering on the E-Marketing Savor platform (cefour.com), he has verified the availability of all procedures and requirements required by the official authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and has fulfilled all these procedures and requirements to practice his activity in the store. - In the event that the merchant applying to join and establish the store is an individual merchant "natural person", he is also obligated to verify the requirements required by the official authorities and provide them according to the nature of the activity of the individual trader, as the individual merchant acknowledges that he is committed to these requirements and is committed to providing and processing them, and the individual merchant is obligated to provide his national identity number and other necessary information and documents required by the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com). - In the event that the merchant applying to join and establish his store represents a commercial institution, company, charitable institution or legal entity, the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) must be provided with all information and supporting documents, such as the commercial register and any other documents of the store required by the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) for registration and to prove the legal personality of the store. - The store and the merchant must comply with the registration obligations specified in "Article V – Accounts and Registration Obligations", and all the rules and provisions of the usage agreement. Article V – Accounts and Registration Obligations: As soon as you apply to join the membership of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) or request to create an online store, you are required to disclose specific information and choose a secret username and password to use when accessing the services of the Sfor emarketing platform (cefour.com ). After activating your account, you will become a user of the services of the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), and thus you have agreed to: - You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and the confidentiality of the password, and you agree to inform the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) immediately of any unauthorized use of your account information with the Seven E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) or any other breach of your confidential information. - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) will not be responsible in any way for any loss that may be caused to you directly or indirectly, moral or material as a result of revealing username or password information or in the event of misuse of the store. - You are committed to using your online store yourself, as you are fully responsible for it, and in the event that others use it, this does not mean that you have authorized him to use the store in your name and for your account, unless the store informs the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) to the contrary. 7 When using the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), you are obligated to use it with - all seriousness and credibility, and to abide by the rules and provisions of the usage agreement and to abide by the regulatory and legal controls in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and you are obligated to compensate the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) for any direct or indirect losses that may be caused to the Sivor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) as a result of any illegal or unreal use Or not responsible or not authorized for your account by you or by any other person who obtained the keys to access your account on the platform, whether to perform the services using the username and password or as a result of your negligence to maintain the confidentiality of the username .and password, whether with or without your authorization - You are obligated to disclose true, correct, updated, complete and legal information about yourself as required during registration or after registration or when the Sivor platform requests you to do so, and you are obligated to update your data in the event that it changes in reality or if needed. - Do not put anything in your store to any direct or indirect relationship between the store and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), its management, owners or employees, as the Seafor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has nothing to do with what you do in your store and is not responsible for the activity of your store. - The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) is committed to dealing with your personal information and contact addresses confidentially in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy and confidentiality of information in force at the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com). - You will be obligated to maintain and update the registration data always to keep it true, correct, current, complete and legal, and if you disclose information that is not true, incorrect, not current, incomplete, illegal or contrary to what is stated in the usage agreement, the E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com ) has the right to suspend, freeze or cancel your membership, store and account on the platform, without damaging the rights of the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) and its legitimate means of recovering its rights and protecting the rest of the users. - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) has the right at any time to conduct any investigations it deems necessary, whether directly or through a third party, and requires you to disclose any additional information or documents of any size to prove your identity or ownership of your funds or your account. - In the event of non-compliance with any of the above, the management of the Sfor emarketing platform (cefour.com) has the right to suspend or cancel your store or membership or block you from accessing the services of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) again. It also reserves the right to cancel any unconfirmed and unproven accounts, operations or accounts that have been inactive for a long time. Article VI – Electronic Communications and Official Means of Communication: The merchant in the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) agrees to be contacted via email, WhatsApp number, or through the management of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) to broadcast public messages received to all users or to specific users upon 8 accessing their accounts within the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com ). The merchant also agrees in the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) provided that all agreements, declarations, data and other communications provided electronically shall replace their written counterparts, which is a stand-alone argument, in meeting legal needs. - The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) will send promotional e-mails during the period of your membership and trade with the platform to inform you of any changes, requirements, procedures or new advertising activities that may be added to the Sfor emarketing platform ( cefour.com). Article VII – Amendments to the Usage Agreement and Fees: You know and agree that the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) will notify you of any amendment to this agreement, under which your obligations will be doubled or your rights diminished in accordance with any amendments that may be made to this usage agreement. - You agree that the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) has the absolute authority and without incurring legal responsibility to make any basic or subsidiary amendments to this agreement, and users are informed of this amendment by any technical means provided, and this may be by e-mail or by broadcasting a public message to all users, and the Sever e-marketing platform provides ( cefour.com ) technical means to show the store's acceptance of this amendment, and this acceptance shall be legal, precluding due diligence and binding on the store for the provisions of the agreement, including the amendments. - In the event of objection to any amendment to the usage agreement, this may be an obstacle to access to the store, as to benefit from the services of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), you must agree to this agreement and any amendment to it, so in the event that the amendment is not accepted, the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) hopes that you stop using its services, as the mere fact that you access your account in the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) or your use of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is your acceptance of the amendments and full and complete consent to the lack of due diligence, and the Sefor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is happy to answer your inquiries regarding this agreement and receive any suggestions. - All fees are calculated in Saudi riyals, and the merchant must pay all fees due on the platform in addition to any other expenses added by the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), provided that payment is made by the approved and specific means available through the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com). - Not all packages and offers of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) are free for merchants or stores, as some of these packages and offers are subject to varying fees. - The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) may charge merchants or stores, depending on the offers or packages they join or the policies they use. - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) reserves the right to add, increase, reduce or deduct any fees or expenses under the rules and provisions of the usage agreement, on any of the users, whatever the reason for their registration. Article Eight – Payment and payment services for stores in the Seven e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ): 9 The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) through its partners provides the payment system in the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), so it can be done completely online through the payment options available on the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) or through any payment method provided by the Cyfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) from time to time. - There is no relationship to the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) with the method of payment when this payment method is subject to the relationship between the consumer and the merchant and the service provider. - The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) may require at any time and in any case that payments are made directly between the merchant and the consumer, and through their bank accounts, and there is no relationship then to the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com). - The provision of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) for the online payment service through the platform is for the purpose of facilitating and preserving the rights of merchants and stores. - The merchant is obligated to determine the price of the service or goods that he offers or requests to be offered that their value is less than their actual value in the recognized parallel market and according to the type, quantity and validity period of the product, and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has nothing to do with misestimating the cost of products or services offered in the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), as estimating them in the commercially recognized form is an obligation on the merchant's shoulders . - The merchant is obligated to provide invoices, receipt vouchers and receipt vouchers for all amounts and profits that arise in his store, and is obligated to indicate in all these invoices the type, quantities, descriptions and value of the goods or service, and accordingly, the merchant is obligated to provide the required accounting specifications in his online store, in application of the provisions of this agreement, and because of the legal, economic and commercial interests of merchants in this organization, and in the event that the merchant violates the provisions of this item, he is responsible for any damages that may arise as a result of this violation. - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) has the right to prevent the completion of any payment process that violates the rules and provisions of the usage agreement or cancel any purchase or sale order as a result of a technical or technical error in the platform that led to a difference in the prices displayed on the platform from the market value of the product, including a loss to the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) and the Cyfor emarketing platform (cefour.com) is not responsible for these amounts. - The management of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has the right to cancel, modify or change any of the payment methods that it has made available on the Sfor emarketing platform ( cefour.com) at any time. Article IX – Your personal information and transaction details information: You have no objection to granting the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) an unlimited, global, permanent, irrevocable, exempt from expenses, and licensed right to use personal information or materials or other that you provided, provided or announced on 10 the platform by joining it or establishing your store, through the forms designated for communication and registration, or through any email or any of the communication channels available on the platform. In order to achieve any of the Interests that the platform sees. - You are solely responsible for the information you have sent or published, and the role of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is limited to allowing you to display this information through the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) and through its advertising channels. - The confidentiality of stores and merchants' information is subject to the rules of the "Privacy and Information Confidentiality Policy" of the Sever e-marketing platform. Article X – The merchant's undertaking to abide by the laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The merchant undertakes to abide by all laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding his products and/or during his use of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), as well as the laws, terms and conditions in force and regulating the use of the Internet space, the usage agreement, the privacy policy and the confidentiality of information in force at the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com). - In the event that any of the merchants violates what is stated in Article X, he acknowledges the right of the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) to take any of the following actions, including but not limited to: alert, stopping the service and closing the store, returning any outstanding amounts in electronic payments to consumers. Article XI – Rights: All content on the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), electronic or otherwise, written or unwritten, for example, but not limited to: written and unwritten texts - graphic designs - technical ideas - logos - presentations - button icons - icons - audio clips - aggregated data and electronic programs, are the property of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) and its rights are reserved to the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ), and whoever is not entitled to use it in any way, whether direct or indirect use or through a third party. - The management of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) notes that it will take the necessary action regarding the violation and infringement of any of the rights of the Sfor emarketing platform ( cefour.com) or its intellectual property. - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) is not responsible in the event of infringement of intellectual property rights owned by the merchants who are members of the platform or the stores registered with it. Article XII – Intellectual Property: The management of the E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) respects the intellectual property rights of merchants that they have formed through their stores, whether they were owned by them before or after the establishment of the store. - The merchant respects the intellectual property rights of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), including the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) itself, and the words, logos and other symbols of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) or displayed on the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), as the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ), 11 and every right that follows the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), are protected by intellectual property rights and trademark laws and are the exclusive property of the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) and it is not entitled in any way to infringe or use it without authorization from the management of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com). Article Thirteen – Consumer: During the completion of purchases, the consumer provides the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) with the following information, which are not limited to: name - e-mail - phone - delivery address - - The systems of the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) retain consumer data in order to facilitate their access to the platform and complete the purchases they desire. - In the interest of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) on the rights of consumers, although the consumer is not a party to this agreement, and to achieve one of the most important objectives of the Seafor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) to provide a highquality service to all, and in order to ensure that consumers receive all their purchases properly, the Cyfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) clarifies to merchants sellers the following: 1- If the consumer buys goods using one of the payment methods available on the Sfor emarketing platform (cefour.com ), and does not receive his goods or that he receives goods that differ from the specifications displayed on the store page, then the consumer has the right to inform the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) and the Sifor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) has the right to take what it deems appropriate against the store that has violated the rules of this Agreement, in accordance with the rules of this Agreement. However, the E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) is not legally or legally responsible for this breach by the merchant in the face of the consumer, as it is not a party to the relationship between the consumer and the merchant, but it does so for the reasons of improving the quality of the Sevor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) and the merchants present on the platform. 2- The consumer may review his purchases before receipt to ensure that they are correct and identical to what was purchased, as the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is not responsible for the relationship between the consumer and the merchant. 3- The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is not committed in any way, in accordance with this article and this item, to take a reaction to the consumer's complaint, but the platform's reaction to the consumer's complaint is subject to the pure desire of the Sfor emarketing platform (cefour.com) and according to what the platform deems appropriate, in accordance with the rules of this agreement. In a way that preserves its interest and commercial and economic reputation, and in any case, the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) Some measures may be taken against stores that deliberately deceive, shade or cheat the consumer, such as: freezing the store's membership, drawing the store's attention to not repeating this matter, or obliging the store to compensate the consumer, based on the desire of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) to preserve and protect the rights of all users and registrants. 12 Article Fourteen – Responsibility of the E-Marketing Platform ( cefour.com ): - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) is not responsible in any way for any unsatisfactory or delayed performance by stores, shipping companies, electronic payment gateways, banks, or consumers' failure to pay for payment, nor for any losses, malfunctions or delays, due to unavailable goods, delayed delivery or lack of quality of service provided by stores. - Savour e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) does not bear any claims arising from errors or negligence, whether caused directly, indirectly, accidentally or through a third party. - Sever E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) does not bear any claims or responsibilities arising as a result of financial losses, defamation, defamation or any damages arising as a result of misuse, misuse or inability to use the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), The Sfor E-Marketing Platform ( cefour.com) does not bear any responsibilities or claims in such cases. - The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) or its officers, employees or owners are not responsible for any claim, dispute, costs, damages, or any liability or any direct or indirect loss of any party arising from an act by one of the users of the platform. - Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), its employees, owners and those who represent and represent them have nothing to do with any responsibility related to a sound and legitimate product authorized in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is used for illegal and irregular purposes, and no person or entity has the right to refer to the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) with any claim, claim or compensation in relation to the aforementioned misuse, as all products or services provided in the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) Electronic provided by merchants and their stores. - The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), its employees, owners, and those who represent and represent them have nothing to do with any illegal or irregular activity carried out by the store, or any activity that violates the regulations and instructions in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the responsibility of the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) is limited only to providing and providing electronic support tools represented in the establishment of the online store and the subsequent electronic support services. The management of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) notes to all merchants that in the event that it notices any suspicious activities that are being planned or being committed or that took place on the Sevor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), it will submit to inform the competent authorities about these activities. It is not responsible in any way for these violations, which are carried out without the knowledge or observation of the Sevor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com). Article XV – Confidentiality of Information: The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) informs you that the Internet (Internet space) is not a secure means, and the confidentiality of personal information cannot be 100% guaranteed in the Internet space. - The Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) takes standards (tangible, organizational and technical) of high quality to protect users and consumers and prevent and save access by an unauthorized person to users' personal information or stores. 13 - The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has no control over the actions of any third party, or third parties, such as other Internet pages linked by links to the platform or third parties claiming to represent you and others. - You know and agree that the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) may use your information that you provided to it, in order to provide services to you in the Sfor emarketing platform (cefour.com), and to send marketing messages to you, and that the privacy policy in the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) controls the collection, processing, use and transfer of your personal identity information , and the rules of confidentiality of information are subject to the "privacy policy and confidentiality of information - the link is placed" Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com). Article Sixteen – Policy for dealing with user accounts: The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) according to the usage agreement and according to the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia may resort to a temporary or permanent suspension of the store, withdrawal and cancellation of merchant membership, or limiting the capabilities of merchants to access the services of the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com), in the event of: 1- Violation of the rules and provisions of the Usage Agreement. 2- If the E-Marketing Platform ( cefour.com ) cannot document any of the user information provided to it. 3- If the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) determines that the user's activities are contrary to the law or that the user's activities may cause other users or the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) troubles or legal violations. 4- The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) may resort "according to its assessment" to reactivate the suspended users, as the user whose activity has been permanently suspended or whose membership has been canceled, may not be able to register or restore his account in the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) or use the platform in any way whatsoever, whatever the circumstances, until he is allowed to resume his activity on the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) by the management of the Sever e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) However, in the event of a violation of this usage agreement, the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) reserves the right to recover or claim any amounts due to the E-Marketing Savor platform (cefour.com) on the user and any losses or damages caused by the merchant to the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) and the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) The right to take legal action or resort to the judicial authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against the user as the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) deems appropriate. 5- The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) does not waive its right to take appropriate action against any violation of the rules and provisions of the usage agreement and other similar acts of violation, and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is not obligated to take any action against any violation that occurs to the usage agreement, but this matter is subject to the discretion of the management of the Sifor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) and its legal management. 14 Article Eighteen – Payment, Sale and Purchase: - The merchant is obligated to manage his offers well, in a way that preserves the consumer and does not create a dispute between him and the consumer. - The merchant is obligated to manage the payment, sale and purchase operations that take place on his offers through the payment methods prescribed in this agreement. - Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has the right to reject or cancel purchases, whether payment is made or not, with the obligation of the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) to inform the user within five days of any of the communication methods available to the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com). - The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) notes that it has nothing to do with any dispute that may arise between the consumer and the merchant, and the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has nothing to do with any default that occurs from the consumer towards the store, whether by defaulting on payment or otherwise. - The merchant agrees and acknowledges that he will not make unreal or manipulative purchases on the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), and will not use an unreal name or any unreal personal information, or use a credit card that does not belong to him without authorization to purchase, as the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) has the right to take appropriate legal action against anyone who carries out fraudulent operations of this kind. - All merchants and all stores acknowledge their full and due knowledge that the management of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) in transferring funds for their commercial activities within the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) is subject to the authority and powers of SAMA in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and as a result, the Sfor emarketing platform ( cefour.com ) All stores and merchants note that they may delay in transferring some funds as a result of the restrictions of SAMA, the Ministry of Commerce and Investment and the e-commerce systems imposed on electronic buying and selling operations. - The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) reserves the right to impose any fees on merchants or stores as a result of their operations within the Savor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com), and the fees may be, but not limited to: government agency fees, bank fees, administrative fees, or any other fees, the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is required to pay as a result of the merchant's or store's activity. Article Nineteen – Contents and products not allowed: As a merchant in the E-Marketing Platform ( cefour.com ), you are committed not to allow the display of products that do not comply with the permitted product systems or violate the rules and provisions of the usage agreement. The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) strictly prohibits the sale of the following products and services, including but not limited to: The platform does not accept the offer of products/services 1- Which require an unlimited warranty 2- Any product that contains gambling 3- Lucky boxes 4- Random product 5- Any product/service that may lead to any physical or psychological harm in any way 6- Any pirated contents or subscriptions 7- All 15 that violates intellectual property rights and publication 8- Any sexual or pornographic product/service or calls for it. Article 20 - Saudi Cybercrime Law: Merchants are obligated not to violate any of the provisions of the Saudi Cybercrime Law, and in the event that they violate the provisions of the Saudi Information Crimes Law, this is subject to their pure responsibility and management, and there is no responsibility on the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) as a result of the store's violation of the regulations in force, as the merchant is responsible for his store and his dealings with consumers in full responsibility, and for the Sivor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) always has the right to take what it deems appropriate for any store or merchant that violates the provisions of the Saudi Cybercrime Law, whether by informing the official authorities or simply closing the online store or canceling the merchant's membership with the platform. Article Twenty One – Restriction of Access or Membership: Without prejudice to the rights of other merchants, the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) can suspend or cancel the merchant's membership or restrict the merchant's access to the platform's services at any time, without notice and for any reason, and without limitation. Article Twenty Two – Guarantee: The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) does not guarantee the repair of faults and does not guarantee that the products offered by the merchants are free of any other defects, but the store or the merchant guarantees it in the event that the warranty and its duration are mentioned in the description of the product, and the merchant must adhere to good quality in his online store. The store is obligated to set a replacement and return policy that concerns its store alone, and it must also comply with the provisions of the e-commerce system and other applicable regulations related to warranty or e-commerce. Article Twenty Three – Merchant Responsibility: The merchant agrees to take responsibility and protect the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), its employees, owners or subsidiaries from any damage that may occur on the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) as a result of the merchant's violations, and is also obligated to lift any damage or prevent any damage that may be caused to the Seven e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) or its employees or one of them as a result of claims, losses, malfunctions, costs, expenses or fees resulting from the misuse of the merchant or the misuse of the user and resulting in a breach of the usage agreement or the regulations and laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or an infringement of the rights of a merchant or third parties or a complaint from a user or third parties. Article Twenty Four – The relationship and notices between the Sever e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ) and merchants and buyers: None of the rules and provisions of this usage agreement include a reference to the existence of a partnership between any merchant and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), and the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) does not allow any merchant in any way to refer directly or indirectly or dictate the existence of a relationship 16 of any kind, whether direct or indirect, between him as a merchant and the Savor emarketing platform (cefour.com ) or its management, and that any notifications that the merchant wishes to send to the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), he must send them via e-mail and the Cyfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) will respond to the e-mail. You, as a merchant, agree that any notifications sent to you from the Cyfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) will be delivered to you by the e-mail that you provided the Seven E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) during the registration process. Article Twenty Five – Transfer of Rights and Obligations: You, as a merchant, do not have the right to object to the actions of the management of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) towards the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), whether these actions are for example but not limited to: affecting the entity of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ), its obligations, ownership, responsibilities, technical actions or administrative actions related to the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ), and the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is not obliged to inform you, and the Savour e-marketing platform (cefour.com) if it deems it important to inform you of any of these behaviors to inform you according to its pure will, according to the rules and provisions of the usage agreement. Article Twenty Six – Applicable Law and Legislation: This usage agreement is governed and drafted in accordance with the laws, regulations and legislation in force and in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and is fully and wholly subject to the legislation in force with the authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Article Twenty Seven – Rules that the seller must follow when dealing with buyers: When dealing with the buyer, the seller is obligated to adhere to honesty, honesty and integrity. The seller is obliged, when dealing with the buyer, to abide by good morals. Article Twenty Eight – Paper and electronic promotional publications and special offers for the E-Marketing Platform ( cefour.com ): The rules and provisions of this usage agreement apply to all paper and electronic advertising publications across various publishing platforms and across various social media. The aforementioned publications and publications are a promotional means for the Sfor emarketing platform ( cefour.com ). The publications are subject to change and are not binding on the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) regarding the stability of prices of services, packages or offers, and price changes are subject to changes that occur on the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com), stores or merchants. Any offers set by the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) are temporary offers and are determined by a specific period of time, and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) is not obligated to extend the time period or continue in the specified time period as it has the right to suffice or determine the entitlement of any user to this offer or cancel this offer at any time. Article Twenty Nine – Strategic and Logistics Services (Third Party Services): 17 Under the rules and provisions of this usage agreement, the E-Marketing Platform ( cefour.com ) may provide some strategic or logistical services through a third party or third parties, and these services may be but not limited to: services of shipping companies and delivery of products and goods. The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) informs you that its provision of strategic or logistical services is only a facilitation and cooperation from it and to help the users of the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com). The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) informs you that it is not fully responsible, directly or indirectly, for any actions issued by any third party and that what it is doing is just a link between the user and the service provider (third party). The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) informs you that the request for this service is not mandatory, but this matter is due to the desire and need of the user, and when the merchant uses the third-party services available at the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) disclaims responsibility for this relationship and this relationship has its independent provisions that take place between the merchant and the third party. Some strategic and logistical service providers set their own requirements or costs of their own, and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) does not have any authority over these requirements or costs, so the Cyfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) advises merchants registered with it to review the terms of the service provider (third party) and the costs of its services before confirming the service request. In the event that the user submits a request for a service provided by (a third party), the user in this act authorizes the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) and grants it permission to provide the service provider (third party) with the user's personal data that he requests, and other data needed by the service provider (third party), and this is in accordance with the rules and provisions of the privacy policy and confidentiality of information in force at the Sever e-marketing platform ( cefour.com). Some of the services provided by (third parties) on the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) benefit the merchant through policies issued by agreement between the service provider and the Sevor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), so their use is through the Sifor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) and the Sifor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) may deduct some costs, including in implementation of the agreement between the Sifor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com) and the service provider (third parties), and the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) does not have any responsibility resulting from the service provider's failure to provide its services. Article 30 – Technical Support: According to the rules and provisions of this usage agreement, the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) provides some technical support services to stores and merchants, and this is in accordance with the privileges of the package that the store subscribes to, for example: A free dashboard for stores, and the dashboard includes some free services. 18 If the merchant wishes to add some services, different services, or multiple services, this is subject to the policy of the packages and offers of the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ), which are often subject to financial fees. The Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com ) allows stores the right to communicate with the technical support team of the Sivor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), which helps the work of stores through the platform and solve electronic technical issues that may arise in stores. Article Thirty One – Dispute Resolution According to the rules and provisions of this usage agreement, in the event of a dispute, the dispute is resolved through conciliation, negotiation or amicable settlement, and if the dispute continues, it is resolved by the competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Article Thirty Two – Policy for Receiving Consumer Complaints and Settling Disputes between Consumers and Stores: The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) hopes that in the event of a complaint against a store, follow the following steps: First Step: Submit a complaint statement via the link designated for this on the Sfor emarketing platform (cefour.com ), provided that the statement includes: the text of the complaint and the supporting documents - the name of the violating store. Hence, the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) will refer the complaint to the relevant store for resolution. Second Step: If the store does not respond to the consumer within seven days, the consumer will be informed of this. Third Step: The consumer has the right to take what he deems appropriate after reviewing the content of the store's response to the complaint, and in the event that the consumer is not convinced of the store's response, he has the right to request a copy of the store's legal identity to take what he deems appropriate against the store. The E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) also reserves the right to close the violating store in the event that it is proven that he committed the violation. Article Thirty Three – General Provisions: In the event that any article or clause contained in this usage agreement is canceled or that any article contained or any clause contained in the usage agreement is no longer in force, such an order does not cancel the validity of the rest of the articles, terms, rules and provisions contained in the usage agreement and remains in force until further notice from the management of the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com). This usage agreement - which is amended from time to time as the case may be - constitutes the mechanism of work, understanding, agreement and contract between the merchant and his store and the Sever e-marketing platform (cefour.com) only, and the merchant and the store are obligated to abide by the provisions of this agreement, and the merchant agrees to take into account the following: This usage agreement is valid for all users of the Sfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com), which is the organizer of the relationship and is the contract between the merchant and the 19 Cyfor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) only, regardless of any legal form or legal, institutional, commercial or charitable entity taken by the merchant or store. As for the relationship between the merchant and the consumer, it is subject to an independent legal relationship and has its own ongoing controls between them. The store must develop its own usage agreement, provided that it is in accordance with the provisions of the regulations and laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in particular the electronic transactions system, the e-commerce system and other regulations related to the merchant's activity. The merchant who joins the E-Marketing Platform (cefour.com) through (Success Partners - the link is placed), thus granting the success partner through whom he registered the right to view the merchant and his store information. No person - except the management of the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) - has the right to impose any articles, terms or provisions in the usage agreement of the Sfor emarketing platform (cefour.com), and the Savor e-marketing platform (cefour.com) to receive merchants' suggestions regarding this agreement. If the usage agreement is translated into any other language, whether on the Sever emarketing platform ( cefour.com ) or otherwise, the Arabic text of the usage agreement remains the original in all transactions. This usage agreement shall not be canceled or amended except by a decision issued by the management of the Sfor e-marketing platform ( cefour.com ).